You’ve been hearing this your whole life. Sugar will rot your teeth. While there is truth to that statement, it’s not about how much sugar you eat, but better how long it stays on your teeth. This means that sodas or sugary drinks, lollipops and sugar candies like jolly ranchers can be a big problem if you’re not brushing twice a day and drinking lots of water.
Studies show that between 50-75% of American adults have some type of gum disease. You may not even know there’s a problem. Swollen, red gums that easily bleed are just a few signs of gum disease. Only regular dental check-ups twice a year can help you determine how severe it is and what treatment is necessary.
Throughout your pregnancy, your hormones change dramatically and this can affect your oral health. X-ray concerns are popular among many pregnant women, and they may choose to skip their appointments. It’s important to maintain your regular check-ups to prevent gum disease or other oral problems. Also losing a tooth during pregnancy is not a normal thing despite the old wives tale. There are some underlying issues not attributed to the baby and need to be addressed right away.
Dental care is designed to be primarily preventative care. Twice a year visits are important to catch any concerns before they turn into major problems. Once a tooth starts to hurt or looks bad, you’ve already got a big problem that could cost more to fix. If you have a concern with your dental health, you should schedule a visit right away, however even if you don’t think you have a problem, we recommend you visit your dentist bi-annually.
Once your child’s teeth begin to come in, they can (and should) be seen by the dentist and should be taught good oral health care, such as brushing twice daily. Thumb sucking and other concerns exist before adult teeth come in and can be discussed with your pediatric dentist.
Many people think baby teeth aren’t a big concern since they fall out and are replaced by adult teeth,but those baby teeth need to be taken care of too! Tooth decay can begin as soon as those teeth come in and decay can cause not only cavities, but pain for your child which can lead to trouble eating and in some cases undernourishment. Baby teeth are also “placeholders” for their adult teeth so it’s even more important that they are well taken care of so those adult teeth can come in properly.
Professional teeth whitening or bleaching doesn’t hurt enamel, however it can cause temporary tenderness and mild gum bleeding not associated with gum disease.
Wisdom teeth emerging can be very painful, and for youth needing braces, it may seem that removing them will solve the problem. This isn’t always the case, however. Wisdom teeth can be, but aren’t always the culprit in teeth crowding. It’s best to consult with your dentist for any concerns about wisdom teeth.