Dental implants are small, screw-shaped rods made of titanium, which are intended to replace the root of your missing tooth. The implant is surgically implanted into the socket where your missing tooth used to be.
As it heals, the implant undergoes the process of “osseointegration,” and bonds permanently with the surrounding jaw bone and gum tissue. Once the implant site has healed, this artificial root can support a dental crown, or multiple implants can be used to support a dental bridge or implant-supported dentures.
No special care required – Simply brush and floss normally, and see Dr. Ostromecki or Dr. Max Meinerz every six months for an oral exam and teeth cleaning. That’s it.
After you’ve been approved for a dental implant, the implant process usually takes at least 2 major appointments. At your first appointment, your mouth will be cleaned and numbed, then a small opening will be made in your gum and jaw bone. The implant will be inserted into this opening, and then the area will be sutured shut.
You’ll have to wait for 3-6 months for the process of osseointegration to take place. During this time, your doctor or a dental lab will begin crafting your dental restoration, such as a dental crown which can be used to replace a single tooth.
Once the implant has healed completely, you’ll come back into The Good Dentist, and your doctor will attach your dental restoration to your implant, completing the procedure.
Compared to other dental restorations like partial dentures and dental bridges, dental implants have a number of benefits:
Protect your gum and jaw bone – Because dental implants actually replace the natural root of your tooth, they stimulate the surrounding gum and jaw as you chew, speak, bite, and smile. This means that your jaw bone will not weaken due to bone resorption, which is common with both dentures and dental bridges.
Durable, long-lasting restoration – Dental implants can last decades with proper care. Most patients will keep their implant for the rest of their lives. While implants may have more upfront cost than alternative treatments, their durability and longevity makes them a great long-term dental investment.
Completely natural look and feel – A dental implant with a restoration such as a dental crown is completely indistinguishable from a natural tooth. Your implant will not slide or move around, and will feel completely natural in your mouth.
If you are missing one or more teeth in Merton, Hartland or North Lake, a dental implant from the team at The Good Dentist may be the right choice to restore your smile, and preserve your oral health. To get started and schedule an implant consultation, just give us a call at (263) 538-0892, or stop by our office at N68 W28550 Sussex Rd Suite 1, Hartland, WI 53029.