Dr. Max Meinerz


You’ll quickly find that Dr. Max has friends, not patients—so it’s no surprise that he considers building relationships the most enjoyable part of his job.

A graduate of Marquette’s School of Dentistry, he belongs to the American Dental Association, Wisconsin Dental Association and the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association and, on top of that, he still enjoys taking continuing education courses to better serve his patients.

Dr. Max has a passion for giving back and continues his efforts to help those in need of dental care by spending time each in Guatemala and Wisconsin providing pro-bono service to under served communities.

Outside of work, Dr. Max can be found distance running, enjoying water sports, camping, cooking new recipes, eating what was cooked, and spending time with his wife, three children and the best dog, Gilbert.

The Fun Stuff


What do you love about working at The Good Dentist?

My favorite thing about working at The Good Dentist is the amount of laughter you hear while at work. It’s sometimes uncommon to have laughter and healthcare mix and TGD really does have a positive and upbeat attitude about it. Laughter is the best medicine!

What’s your favorite hobby?

Hiking with my Wife Susan and our Dog!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Life is all about the people you share it with!

What’s your favorite family tradition?

About a year after we got married, Susan and I decided we would never again cook on a Friday night after a long week of work. Even if we only made PB and J sandwiches, Friday after we were both done seeing patients was all about unplugging and spending time together!



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